lunar solitude by Ladislav Hubert

Lunar Solitude

In “Lunar Solitude,” I sought to capture the tranquility and introspection of a quiet night. The quiet and reflective atmosphere that often accompanies us. The central figure, adorned with a mask and wings, symbolizes the solitary soul, the connection between the human spirit and the vastness of the cosmos. The radiant moon, glowing brightly above – surrounded by cosmic patterns, casts a serene glow, inviting contemplation. Serves as a guiding light in the darkness, a symbol of solitude and contemplation.

The figure’s connection to the natural world, represented by the cascading foliage, reinforces the sense of harmony and peace. The trees and foliage, represent the way nature envelops us in moments of silence, inviting us to meditate and find peace within ourselves.

The polyhedron with inner light source near the figure’s chest reflects the harmony that can be found in stillness, where the complexities of the world seem to dissolve, leaving only a profound sense of calm. This piece is a visual meditation, inviting viewers to find solace and reflection in the quiet beauty of the night, where solitude becomes a space for introspection and spiritual connection.

Through “Lunar Solitude,” I hope to evoke a sense of peace and serenity, reminding viewers of the quiet strength that can be found in moments of silence.

Inner Solitude by Hubert
Lunar Solitude by Ladislav Hubert