Alien No 2

“Alien No 2” is a visual exploration of the ancient Egyptian myth of the pharaohs’ divine lineage. This piece delves into the fascinating idea that these powerful rulers might not have been merely human, but descendants of gods or even beings from another world.

I’ve always been captivated by the mystery and wonder surrounding these ancient legends. The idea of extraterrestrial beings shaping the course of human history is both thrilling and thought-provoking. In “The Landing,” I’ve tried to bring this concept to life through a central figure that embodies both the human and the divine.

The figure’s regal bearing and ethereal presence are meant to evoke a sense of awe and reverence. The crown-like headpiece, with its celestial patterns, and the expansive wings suggest a being of immense power and wisdom. I’ve used symmetrical composition and geometric elements to connect the piece to the precise and beautiful art of ancient Egypt.

I hope this artwork inspires viewers to consider the possibility that the pharaohs were more than just rulers. They might have been cosmic beings, connected to a higher power or even another world. By blending the ancient with the cosmic, I invite you to join me on a journey of discovery and wonder.

Alien No 2 by Ladislav Hubert
Alien No 2 by Ladislav Hubert

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